Sinapis alba

The white mustard young plants look a bit messy and weak, but they’re thriving, and blooming. I sowed them about one month ago in the backyard of the apartment building where I live – a shady garden nobody took care of for a long time, but still inhabited by a vegetal and animal crowd.

A Bird Routine

While making morning tea, I scan the sky through the kitchen window. I look at its blueness, the cloud shapes, I enjoy the light. Then I spot it. The heron’s morning route crosses my habitat. I squeak. A heron morning is a happy morning.


This morning a spider greeted me from the Tsing printout. I had gone to bed with her quote: “We are stuck with the problem of living despite economic and ecological ruination. Neither tales of progress nor of ruin tell us how to think about collaborative survival. It is time to pay attention to mushroom picking. Not that this will save us – but it might open our imaginations.”

Remote Playlist: 11-17 May 2020

Since Februar 2020 Covid-19: Ein Virus bedroht die Welt RiffReporter There are many reasons to read RiffReporter, a “lively quality journalism” cooperative project in German language. The one I want to write about today is one of their thematic series...

Remote Playlist: 28 April – 3 May 2020

Since April 2020 ETAT Netlabel Stefan Juster aka Jung an Tagen, musician and media artists based in Vienna, has just started a new label, ETAT, that will release “dissociative, psychoacoustic, computer music”. All releases will be free to download on...

Remote Playlist: 21-26 April 2020

Since 24 March 2020 Video readings series by Armin Lorenz Gerold IGTV Since March 24, artist and composer Armin Lorenz Gerold has been publishing on his IGTV channel a video series whose recurring elements are a short and dense text...

Kapsel – Das verlorene Paradies

On January 18, 2020, the third event of the Kapsel series in Acud will be introduced by a community afternoon. Occulto will be part of it and, at 5 pm, take over the stage for about 20 minutes with a – for us pretty experimental and unusual – mix of talk, reading and performance.