Occulto Meets the Wounded Wolf

http://zabriskie.de/occulto-meets-the-wounded-wolf-am-31-mai/ On May 31 there will be a triple reading and presentation: Occulto meets the Wounded Wolf. Occulto Magazine presents its fourth release, Issue pi, and Aidan Baker and James Vella read from their new books that are published on...

Occulto Fest 2014: Indeterminacy

2 May, 8pm-open end LIVE Ensemble Economique Marta Zapparoli RVNES DJ SET Mat Pogo FILM SCREENING Selected Video Works by Andy Puls 3 May 2014, 8pm – open end LIVE Jackie-O Motherfucker UMCB – Von Tesla & Sara Bonaventura Ruins...

Kitchen Leg release party: BeMyDelay w/ Maurizio Abate

www.facebook.com/events/1442456425990300 kitchenlegrecords.tumblr.com/releases Some more Occulto Fest warm-up on March 30th, this time at Monarch, this time presented by Kitchen Leg Recorsds! 30 March 2014 – 9pm @Monarch Skalitzer Strasse 134 (1st floor), 10999 Berlin U8-U1 Kottbussertor On stage: BeMyDelay feat....

Occulto Night: Alberto Boccardi / Claudio Rocchetti / Du Champ

Getting ready for Occulto Fest 2014 is not only about posting stuff online this year: we’ve put together a warm-up program that is kind of paving the way to the festival, but most of all is giving us the chance to invite more artists we love to perform in town. First date to save is on March 21st, let’s celebrate spring together.

The Metamorphosis: Occulto Issue e goes Leipzig

www.halle14.org Occulto Issue e Release Event 22 June, 7pm Halle 14 Leipziger Baumwollspinnerei, Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig Halle 14 kindly invited us to celebrate the third issue of Occulto in their Bibliothek. For the occasion Alice Cannava will present the...

Occulto Fest 2013: The Metamorphosis

occultofest.com/category/occulto-fest/of-2013-occulto-fest/ The third edition of Occulto Fest is here! Expect fly-like mutants, giant beetles and great live performances: here comes the Metamorphosis. 8-9 June, 8pm-1am WestGermany Skalitzer Strasse 133 (last floor), 10999 Berlin 8 JUNE – “Boring Machines night” DU...

Eternal Zio + Man Meets Bear + Occulto @Loophole

Supporting the Berlin gig of one of our favourite band while they’re bringing around Europe their semi-acustic psych-drone hypnotising live + putting them together with a great folk/experimental trio performing for the last time in Berlin before moving back to...

A Shelter Press & Occulto Magazine Evening at Wiels

The second step of DuChamp & Occulto adventure in Belgium will take place at Motto@WIELS, Bruxelles. Thanks a lot to Shelter Press for organising and co-curating this evening! Books & Magazines presentation: Occulto and Shelter Press Music performances: Du Champ...