The Great Turtle

The photo of this week is nothing but a quickly and poorly done snapshot of stuffed animals lying on the floor of my living room. Wait: is it? Actually, the image above contains enough references and food for thought to...


This week we focus on a kind of insect that everybody finds cute: ladybugs. I fancy them as well and I was happy to find the one depicted above in my first, unforgotten home/office in Berlin. While wasps seem to...

Free Mason

Photo by Aldo Cannava Wasps are commonly considered annoying insects that sting people and try and emulate bees’ corporate identity while not looking as cute and not doing all the good that bees do. I won’t go as far as...


My grandma’s cat MiciĆ², photo by Ilaria Cannava Heterochromia iridum is a difference in coloration of the eyes; it is caused by a congenital or acquired uneven distribution of melanin, the pigment that determines not only the color of the...