
This week we focus on a kind of insect that everybody finds cute: ladybugs. I fancy them as well and I was happy to find the one depicted above in my first, unforgotten home/office in Berlin. While wasps seem to...

Playlist #3

  10 May 2015, 6PM Noiseberg #4 – Giuseppe Capriglione + Glass Nest Atelier Aüglein, Oppelner Straße 12, 10997 Berlin Fourth Noiseberg episode with Giuseppe Capriglione live and the sound/light installation Glass Nest. Doors open around 6pm and will close...

Playlist #2

4 May 2015, 9PM TRIO: Chris Corsano – Mette Rasmussen – Louis Rastig / SOLO: Axel Dörner NK, Elsen Strasse 52, 12059 Berlin Berlin is loaded with interesting gigs this week. If you’re fit enough to start on Monday already...

Free Mason

Photo by Aldo Cannava Wasps are commonly considered annoying insects that sting people and try and emulate bees’ corporate identity while not looking as cute and not doing all the good that bees do. I won’t go as far as...


My grandma’s cat Miciò, photo by Ilaria Cannava Heterochromia iridum is a difference in coloration of the eyes; it is caused by a congenital or acquired uneven distribution of melanin, the pigment that determines not only the color of the...

Playlist #1

25 April 2015, 2PM Joseph Nechtvatal’s artist’s talk and concert Art Laboratory Berlin, Prinzenallee 34, 13359 Berlin Joseph Nechtvatal’s solo show bOdy pandemOnium – Immersion into Noise is opening at Art Laboratory Berlin on April 24th. The day after there’s...

Editorial Occulto Issue e

As for me – and possibly for many of you as well – metamorphosis is mostly about waking up one morning in your bed in the guise of a giant bug, or turning into a disgusting fly-like creature under the...